The Gospel Reading today is from the Holy Evangelist Luke, Chapter 17:12-19. It is the story of the healing of the ten lepers.
We know the story when Jesus was preaching in Galilee along the border between Samaria and Galilee. Ten Lepers came to Him and Jesus instructed them to go and show themselves to the Temple priests who, according to Jewish religious custom, used to verify the healing of lepers. On the way to the priests they were miraculously healed, but only one came back to thank Jesus.
This past week I thought about all the people throughout time that have been healed by God. Even in our own parish there are many instances of healing and cures, but I often reflect as to how many have really returned to thank God for His healing.
This brings us to the nine other lepers who did not turn back to thank Jesus. That is primarily indicative of the fact, yes, that they had a physical disease but more so a spiritual illness. People are apt to recognize a physical disease but not a spiritual affliction.
How many times we have prayed for help and healing for our loved ones and friends and Jesus has answered our prayers. All of us should be thankful for the many blessings and healings He has bestowed upon us and upon those who are in need of His physical as well as spiritual healing.
May God Almighty continue to hear our prayers.