Today we in the Orthodox Church commemorate the Sunday of the Forefathers, the many righteous men and women who responded to the call of God, serving Him with great devotion, anticipating the coming of the Messiah.
As we remember those from the earliest Biblical period like Adam, the great Patriarchs, the many women like Sarah and Rebecca, the prophets like Elijah and Isaiah, special figures like Job, and the Three Holy Youths in the fiery furnace; all who were recognized by the Church Fathers as the eternal Christ working in the Old Testament, preparing for the coming of the Lord.
As we remember all of the above from the Old Testament before Christmas, we too seek to respond to God’s call to us, to lift up our hearts in thankful prayer to Him for His promises and, in anticipation, prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ into our lives.
May the God of our Forefathers guide us to His Divine Light.