Christ is Born!
Happy New Year!
As we are still within the Festal season of the Nativity of Christ, the lesson for the Sunday Before the Feast of Theophany is from the Gospel of St. Mark Chapter 1:1-8.
In this gospel we hear about exhortation for the preparation of new beginnings. St. Mark, the Evangelist, relates the adult life of Jesus, beginning with His baptism as a message of the good news, the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus, the Son of God. The main theme of preparation is fulfilled by St. John the Baptist, who announces the appearance of Christ and seeks to prepare the people for His Coming.
The preaching of John the Baptist is already the beginning of the good news by anticipation. “Get the way ready for the Lord, make a straight path for Him to travel…the man who will come after me is much greater than I am”. Mark 1:3.
As we begin this New Year 2022 we are challenged in our lives to “prepare the way of the Lord” and focus on the life of Jesus Christ as God’s eternal good news for us. It is the time for us to more fervently follow His teachings, increasing our belief and faith in Him and following His commandments!
It is a time of renewed commitment, new beginnings, and increased dedication to the Lord of Hope, especially in this time of trials and affliction. Let us heed the message and call of The Holy Prophet and Forerunner, John the Baptist.
With sincere prayers for a joyous and healthy New Year to you and your loved ones. May Almighty God bestow infinite blessings and peace on all of you!