Helen Toroney
January 6, 1925 – May 21, 2022
Memory Eternal!
Christ Is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!
Helen Toroney was Born January 6. 1925 in the small coal region town of Centralia, Pa. She was one of twelve siblings of the parents, Anna and Metro Timko, all of whom predeceased her, except Pearl Berezniak (the youngest). She was the loving wife of Andrew Toroney, Sr. from the little town of Hechersville, Pa., who predeceased her at the age of 79 in 2003.
Helen was a very prayerful and loving mother to her four children: Mat. Mary Shomsky, Fr. Joseph Toroney, Andrew Toroney, Jr. and Frank Toroney (her loving caregiver for over 20 years.) Helen and Andrew guided their children to fear God and to Love Him, and to be involved in all aspects of Sacramental life in the Church.
She will be sorely missed by her loving family as her soul sores to the Loving Embrace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven, and His All Holy and Life-Giving Spirit whom she warmly embraced in prayer every day and night, along with the Blessed Mother of our Lord: “The Ever Virgin Mary”, “The Beautiful Bride of God”, “The Beautiful Queen of Heaven”, the “Mother” of the Incarnate Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Helen fell asleep in the Lord after a prolonged and declining health at the age of 97, on Sat. May 21, 2022.
Memory Eternal! Vechnaya Pamyat!
Funeral Arrangements:
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
St Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church
1855 Middletown Rd, Glen Mills, PA 19342
- Visitation – 5:00PM – 6:45PM
- Otpevanniye (Funeral Service) – 7:00PM
- Pomenki (Repass) – Following Service
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
St Tikhon’s Orthodox Cemetery
St Tikhons Rd, South Canaan, PA 18459
- Interment – 12:00PM
In leu of flowers, the family requests donations go to St Tikhon’s Seminary, P.O. Box 130, South Canaan, PA 18459-0130.
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