This Sunday, the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, is dedicated to the memory of St. Mary of Egypt. This Sunday we primarily deal with the theme of greatness in the light of the Orthodox Christian faith. It has been said, “If you wish greatness, seek truth and you will find both”.
As the Gospel Lesson from Mark 10:32-45 tells us, Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jerusalem, speaking to them of His coming passion and what true greatness is. You see, as Jesus talked about the end of His earthly mission, the disciples, as most human beings, were more concerned about their future places of honor on either side of the Lord in His Glory, especially James and John. The others became extremely upset, jealous would be the best explanation. But you see, Jesus’ heart was on sacrifice not honor, about His death, not about tokens of glory that seem to overtake His disciples.
You see, true greatness can be discovered by looking upon every person as one’s brother or sister and by seeking to serve that person with selfless love. We have to understand that true greatness is bestowed by God, not the world, for true greatness reconciles, liberates and unites all through the power of the love of Christ.
The supreme example of true greatness is Christ Himself, who at the Last Supper washed the feet of His disciples, saying unto them, “I your Lord and Teacher, have just washed your feet, you then, should wash one another’s feet”. (John 13:14) This is the sign of true greatness, for Jesus humbled Himself unto death on the Cross and so God Glorified Him, with, “the name that is greater than any other name, that is Jesus Christ who is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10-11).
Let us continue our Lenten Journey remembering the last words of Jesus while he was suffering on the length of the cross for our salvation.