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Christ Heals the Demoniacs

Today we hear the Gospel from St. Matthew chapter 8:28-9:1, concerning Christ casting out demons. Jesus Himself did not reject the popular notion of His time that Satan and his demons had power over the fallen world, causing physical and spiritual sicknesses and bringing about a distortion of the divine likeness of human beings.

An important part of Jesus’ saving work was to exorcise demons.  It is important to note that by His presence, which is God’s presence, Jesus expels demons.  Through His ministry, Jesus establishes God’s Kingdom and pushes back the boundaries of the kingdom of darkness.

There are many demons in our society today which tempt us and sometimes entice us into the dark side of life.  Today drugs, alcohol, sex etc., work to keep many confused people from God with the promise of euphoria.  But you just have to see the many examples of those who were tricked into following these temporary “fixes” which can lead to horrible results. Remember, Jesus is there to rescue us at any moment in time: it simply requires you to ask Him to save you and heal you.

This is the message of this Gospel: Christ heals the two men possessed by demons!

Panteleimon the Great Martyr & Healer

July 27, 2024 | Fast Free

Daily Readings

Matins Gospel: Luke 21:12-19
Epistle: St. Paul's Second Letter to Timothy 2:1-10
Gospel: John 15:17-27; 16:1-2

Feasts & Saints

Panteleimon the Great Martyr & Healer

Nicholas of Novgorod the fool-for-Christ

Anthousa the Righteous Confessor

853 Martyrs of Thrace who were drowned

Manuel the Righteous

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Glen Mills, PA

Saint Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church

Saint Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church, a parish of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), is located in Glen Mills, PA serving the Orthodox faithful throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

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